News & Eventi

Prove in campo C380S macadamia - AUSTRALIA

FIELDAY: FACMA C380S macadamia self-propelled harvester

Wednesday 18th May, 10 am till 2 pm.

Alloway Macadamias, 121 Chapman’s Road, Alloway, Australia.

(Meet at office on left hand side of road for directions. Travel along Goodwood road, turn right at Kevin Steinhardt’s house, cross the railway line at the T intersection and turn left. Find the first shed on the left and you are there.)

Please email or fax (41516809) back numbers attending, so we don’t run out of bread & water. A lite lunch / refreshments served.

Demonstration organized by Burnett Land & Machinery and Tornado Pumps and Sprayers (Paul Blasutto).

More info at:

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