The inter-row disk is an accessory which can be mounted on the mulcher Facma, ideal for the infesting grass cutting in the inter-rows and around the trees trunks. It works carefully and with extreme agility, without damaging the bark. It can be used for all arboreal cultivations and it permits to avoid the use of chemical products. It is attached to the main gearbox of the shredder, it follows the ground inequalities, its height and inclination can be adjusted.
Hydraulic Inter-row Disk with oil tank, pump, distributor, hydraulic clutches for the coupling and uncoupling of the disk.
The hydraulic sensor permits the automatic swing of the inter-row disk Facma and it is applied on the relative hydraulic system. This device permits a higher sensitivity of the inter-row disk in contact with delicate obstacles, as for example young trees, and it avoids the contact of the disk with the trees’ bark. It always remains the possibility to control the disk manually from the tractor.
Hydraulic Inter-row Disk with oil tank, pump, distributor, hydraulic clutches for the coupling and uncoupling of the disk.
Independent hydraulic inter-row disk, directly applicable to the tractor by the third point linkage. It is powered by the power take off and linked to the tractor hydraulic clutches. It is endowed with: oil tank, pump, distributor, hydraulic clutches for the coupling and uncoupling, multiplier, kit for lateral displacement. Kit hydraulic sensor on demand.
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