The mechanical self-propelled harvester SEMEK 1000 is suitable for the gathering of hazelnuts, chestnuts, walnuts, macadamias, almonds, pecan nuts. Its employment permits a higher harvesting speed in comparison with the aspiration system, with a good final cleaning of the collected product; however it requires regular grounds, very levelled and well prepared by mulcher.
The self-propelled harvester SEMEK works thanks to the principle of the mechanical gathering of shell fruits from the ground.
The machine is equipped with a propulsion system with 3 driving wheels, 2 front and 1 rear, with hydraulic transmission, and with mixed hydraulic / mechanical transmission (belts and chains) for the mechanical elements motion; it is motorised with a water-cooled diesel engine.
The product fallen to the ground is windrowed by 2 front contra-rotating brushes (1) (width from 2,40 to 3,40 metres) made of rubber scraper elements supported by radial oscillating arms (FACMA PATENT). The product is transferred towards a central mechanical harvester (2) (working width: 1 metre, adjustable in height) composed of rotating rubber blades, which lift the products and send them towards a conveyor belt. In this phase the soil is immediately eliminated thanks to the debris separation auger (3), which unloads it laterally on the ground.
The central conveyor belt (4) makes a first cleaning, subsequently the product arrives to the ventilation system (5), where the leaves and light impurities are separated, later on it passes in a double rotating sieve (6), where the impurities with different dimensions than the harvested fruit are separated (the sieve is made on the basis of the calibre of the products, changing only this component it is possible to use the machine for collecting different fruits). The machine is equipped with a lateral blower (7) which moves the fruits near the trunks to the following row, making the harvest faster.
Once selected, the product is unloaded in trolleys which can be trailed by the same machine.
For maximum harvesting performance, it is suggested to prepare the ground, working it different times by mulcher (grass cutting) during the previous year and before the produce falls to the ground.
The SEMEK’s frontal harvester is available in 2 models, with adjustable width:
- RF300: from 2,40 metres to 3,00 metres of work;
- RF340: from 2,40 metres to 3,40 metres of work.
The SEMEK 1000 is endowed with double gear:
- advance gear, for displacements: speed until about 30 Km/h;
- job gear: speed until about 10 Km/ h.
The harvester SEMEK 1000 is also available in the version with belt for unload, instead of the rotating sieve. Suggested for the walnuts, it permits a higher harvesting speed.
On demand it is possible to install a cabin on the Semek, with air-conditioned and pressurized, with one door, which permits eliminating the risk of exposition to airborne dusts and to reduce the risk of exposition to noise.
The cabin has got a particular shape which permits the lifting of the gathering head in the harvesting phase, maintaining at the same time both reduced general dimensions of the machine and also reduced height, essential factor to work on orchards with low branches.
Anymore the cabin is certified as protection structure against the overturning.
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